5 Traits of Great Mission Team Members #4 - Integrity - Faith Ventures
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5 Traits of Great Mission Team Members #4 – Integrity

~ “Integrity is vital to the success of a mission trip.” ~

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principals. Integrity from each mission trip team member is vital to the success of a mission trip.

Here are three easy ways to practice integrity when you’re on a mission trip:

1. Take responsibility for your mistakes

If something goes awry, find help right away. Don’t be afraid to speak up and talk about what went wrong. With the help of a leader, you will likely be able to work through the problem, fix the mistake, and avoid any future accidents or injuries.

2. Respect others

When you are working with a team, respect is vital. Practice strong lines of communication and healthy conflict resolution to make sure that everyone feels safe and informed.

3. Work hard

Commit fully to the job you have been given and work as hard as you can to accomplish it. Focusing on your job and giving it special care will help to eliminate mistakes and accidents, and it will also show the community you’re serving, and your team, that you truly care.

AUTHOR: Faith Ventures

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