How to Remember More with This Packing Checklist

Have you ever joined a mission trip? You sign up at church, attend the first meeting, and count down to takeoff. Months crunch to weeks as you get to know your teammates over bake sales and car washes. Before you know it, your flight leaves in the morning, and all you have left to do is pack. Where did the time go?
Packing is typically one of the last things done before leaving on a trip. When done last minute, there’s a higher chance to forget something you really need or overpack on the things you don’t.
With a few memory tricks and by using our handy packing list, you can remember all your traveling essentials.
1. Start packing soon
Now, you don’t need to start packing for your mission trip six months in advance, but you certainly shouldn’t wait until the night before! A week or so before your departure, make sure to add a few things to your suitcase every night. With a little persistence, you’ll be packed before you know it.
2. Listen to your gut
If you think you’re missing something, you probably are. Gut hunches are usually right about these things. Run through the traveling essentials. Do you have:
- Your boarding pass?
- Passport?
- Prescription medications?
- Credit card or cash?
As long as you have these–rest assured–you should be ready to fly. Any other items you forget to pack can probably get replaced at your destination or the airport if you can’t survive the trip without it.
3. Leave out toiletries the night before
Some of the most forgotten items on any trip include those you use in the bathroom right before you leave.
Instead of stashing away your toiletries the night before, leave out everything on the countertop you want to pack for the trip. This way, you’ll keep visual tabs on what you need to pack, and you’ll be less likely to forget your toothbrush–again.
For tips on packing toiletries, check out our blog: 11 Travel Hacks for Packing Toiletries!
4. Jot down what you need to pack
A sure way to remember more and forget less is to write down what you need to pack as you think of it.
Some people keep a notepad by their bedside and jot down things right before bed. Not only does it help you remember what you need to pack in the morning, but it lets you get a better night’s sleep. Others paste a poster-sized list to the wall and write out their packing list. By keeping such a giant list, you create an unforgettable reminder and gain (presumably) more satisfaction when crossing something off.
Even others keep a simple packing list, which brings us to our next point…
5. Use a packing list
A list makes everything easier–especially when it fits on a single page!
Check out our ultimate packing list below. It includes an extensive list of any personal items you might need for a mission trip–or any trip, for that matter! Feel free to download the checklist and give it to anyone who might need it. With this handy list, you’ll never forget to pack another thing ever again! At least, that’s our hope.
Download the ultimate packing list to use for your upcoming travels–for FREE. No strings attached!
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