7 Practical Safety Tips to Empower Women Missionaries - Faith Ventures
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7 Practical Safety Tips to Empower Women Missionaries

7 Practical Safety Tips to Empower Women Missionaries

The desire to share the Gospel is an incredible calling. Women evangelists or women missionaries can deliver the Good News anywhere in the world, although certain countries may be more receptive than others. No matter where you travel, women evangelists can apply these helpful travel safety tips to their long-term or short-term, international ministries.

1. Get travel alerts

Before leaving, you can check your destination’s current travel advisories and plan accordingly. You can also participate in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). It’s a free service that allows U.S. citizens to stay connected with the local U.S. Embassy and receive important travel updates in case of a national emergency.

Pro tip: Download one or more of these innovative security apps for traveling abroad.

2. Befriend a local guide

If you can, try to connect with a local missionary. Women evangelists will benefit from partnering with someone who’s already neck-deep in the local ministry. Local preachers know how to engage the local people effectively and can advise on the best travel practices in the area.

3. Follow local customs

Missionaries should research the culture to understand social behaviors. Before traveling to your destination, you’ll benefit from knowing the basics: official language, dominant religion, etc. Understanding cultural norms, especially for women missionaries, can only benefit your mission.

Look at Paul in the New Testament. Paul claimed to become “all things to all people” so that he “might save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). By honoring local customs, Paul gained respect from the locals and made a significant impact for the Gospel. You can do the same and follow his example.

4. Dress accordingly

If you dress according to local dress codes, you’ll blend in with the locals. Ladies, this might mean opting for a maxi skirt or a one-piece bathing suit. Flashy jewelry might draw unwanted attention. Besides a wedding band, it’s best to leave the bling at home.

Pro tip: Female missionaries in the Middle East can check out how to dress with cultural sensitivity.

5. Travel during the day

Try to do most of your inner-city traveling during the day, especially if you’re going alone. It’s generally safest for women missionaries to travel during daylight hours regardless of where you’re ministering.

6. Wear a fake wedding ring

Single women evangelists should consider wearing a fake wedding ring, as it will discourage unwanted attention. Most cultures recognize wedding bands as a symbol of marital status. Although Western countries traditionally wear a wedding band on the left hand,  many Eastern cultures wear wedding bands on the right hand.

7. Buy travel insurance

Last but not least, women evangelists can purchase travel insurance before going on their mission trip. Short-term or long-term travel insurance will cover you for accidental medical expenses, trip delays, and more! Buying travel insurance is one of the best travel safety tips you can apply to any mission trip.

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AUTHOR: Erik Sorensen
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