Finding the Right Plan for You

When selecting a plan, consider the following:


1. Limits to trip duration.

Double check each policy to see how many consecutive travel days you’ll be covered for. Depending on your policy, if you go over that limit you risk not having coverage for those extra days – or worse, invalidating your policy.


2. Limits on claims.

Be sure you know exactly how much coverage you have and what it’s for. The last thing you want is to be stuck with a doctors bill or loss of personal items only to find out that you don’t have the appropriate coverage for reimbursement.


3. Getting home. 

Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains are gloomy to think about but in the event they’re needed they can save a life or save a loved one a lot of time and money.


4. Pre-existing conditions.

Check your policy options and find out what the exclusions are for pre-existing conditions. If you’re treated for an illness or injury on a regular basis you’ll want to take that into special consideration before purchasing a policy. Compare Faith Ventures plans here.


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